Information - Norway

2013. 07. 17., sze - 14:57
Pest Vármegyei Rendőr-főkapitányság

Konzuli tájékoztató.


                                                           Embassy of Norway 

Opening hours are from 9.00 – 12.00 from Monday  to Friday


When you have lost your travel documents:      go to the police report it then call the Embassy!

When your belongings have been stolen:      go to the lost & found if it’s not there report it to the police!

When you have lost your money:      call your friends or family and ask them to send you money!

When you cannot find your bankcards anymore:      block your cards!

Do you need medical assistance:      go to the first aid!



1015 Budapest Ostrom utca 13


+36-1-325 33 00


+36-1-325 33 99



Public transport to Embassy

Tram:  4-6 to Széna tér



Metro:  Line 2 (red line) to Széll Kálmán tér



How to apply for an Emergency Travel Document


Please call the Embassy and provide the following:

  • Full name including middle names and Norwegian personal number
  • Date and place of birth
  • Place were lost document is issued



No need for an appointment just come to the Embassy in opening hours and bring the following:

  • 2 Passport picture (35 mm x 45 mm) color*
  • Police report
  • HUF 16 600 cash
  • If possible a copy of your lost document
  • Your Travel Itinerary


Kapcsolódó oldalak



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