Konzuli tájékoztató

2016. 07. 18., h - 15:41
Pest Vármegyei Rendőr-főkapitányság

Embassy of United Kingdom


Opening hours are:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9.30 – 12.30.  Wednesday closed to the public.

Please note:  Although we are closed to the public on Wednesday’s we can assist if there is a genuine emergency – we advise you call first though!



When you have lost your travel documents:   Report to the police and call the Embassy!

When your belongings have been stolen: go to the lost & found and report to the police!

When you have lost your money: call your friends or family and ask them to send you money!

Money can be sent via Moneygram, Western Union etc.

When you cannot find your bankcards anymore: block your cards!

Do you need medical assistance: go to the first aid!



Budapest 1051

Harmincad utca 6


+36-1- 266 2888


+36-1- 429 6296





Public transport to Embassy

HÉV to Örs Vezér tere  then M2 to Deák Ferenc tér.

There are buses running between Mogyoród and Árpád tér.

Taxi costs HUF9900 (39 EUROS) flat rate

How to apply for an Emergency Travel Document


Please call the Embassy and provide the following:

  • Full name (as shown on passport)
  • Date of birth
  • Passport number (if known)
  • Date and route of travel to destination


When you go to your appointment at the Embassy take the following:

  • One passport photograph (35x45 mm - 70% showing face)
  • Travel Itinery (e-ticket booking/boarding pass/interrail ticket etc.)
  • Additional photo id (if possible ie. driving license)
  • Police report (mandatory if passport reported stolen)
  • Emergency travel document fee:  £100 - payable with Visa or MasterCard credit/debit card or with cash HUF38000. (only local currency accepted - please note that the cash fee can change due to current exchange rate)




Always call the Embassy before you go there!


Kapcsolódó oldalak



Időben érkezett a segítség

Feltehetően hőgutát kapott az a férfi, akit a készenléti rendőrök elsősegélyben részesítettek egy budapesti pályaudvaron.


Lopott gázolajjal bizniszeltek

A rendőrök azzal gyanúsítanak két férfit, hogy üzemanyagot loptak a munkahelyükről, majd értékesítették azt egy szigetvári férfinak.