Formula 1 Hungarian Grand Prix 2021

2021. 07. 26., h - 12:37
Pest Vármegyei Rendőr-főkapitányság

Important traffic changes in the vicinity of the Hungarian Grand Prix.

The Formula 1 Hungarian Grand Prix is taking place at the Hungaroring circuit in Mogyoród between 30th of July and 1st August 2021. The Pest County Police will be responsible for the maintenance of public order at the event, the number of officers taking part being similar to that in previous years.

A great number of domestic and foreign visitors are coming to this sports event, the traffic in and around Mogyoród is going to increase significantly. For this reason, we ask the residents of Mogyoród to avoid using their vehicles if possible, and to have even more patience and tolerance than usual if they must travel on those days.

Stopping will be banned on the roads around the circuit and on those leading there on all days of the race, i.e. from Friday morning (30th July 2021) to Monday morning (2nd August 2021).

Unlawfully parked vehicles will be moved by the police, they will only be returned to their owners once the penalty and transport fee have been paid.

During the event, the following major changes in traffic order can be expected:

o     On József Attila Street in Szilasliget, two-way traffic will be in effect up to main road no. 3, though it may periodically occur that drivers can use the street only in the direction away from the circuit.

o     On Gödöllői Street and Dózsa György Street in Mogyoród, two-way traffic will be in effect as well (depending on the intensity of traffic), however, in the direction from Mázsa Square to Dózsa György Street, vehicles can only travel towards the race track in the morning and only leave that area in the afternoon.

o     On the road between Kerek tó and Hungaroring main entrance, vehicles can only  travel in one direction in the morning (towards the main entrance) and only in the opposite direction in the afternoon (towards Kerek tó).

o     There will be one-way traffic in the direction of Kerek tó from the M3 motorway exit located 200 metres after milestone 19 (signpost: Mogyoród – Hungaroring). On Sunday afternoon after the race, there will be two-way traffic at the motorway junction, motorists can travel towards Budapest either via the junction of the M3 motorway westbound carriageway or using the Gödöllő junction and the M31motorway.

o     There will be two-way traffic between the camping site at the car cinema and the bus turning point of Szilasliget at all times, however, between Hungaroring main entrance and the bus turning point of Szilasliget, vehicles can only  travel in one direction from the main entrance (towards gates 7 and 6) until 3 p.m. Then, the direction of traffic will be  reversed.

o     After the race, it will be possible to drive from the Super Gold inner parking lot, from gate No. 7 towards Hungaroring main entrance and through gate No. 7 via Kerepes-Szilasliget, towards motorway M3.

o     There will be one-way traffic from Mogyoród HÉV (local railway)  level crossing towards the race track as far as gate No. 2 in the morning hours, and traffic will be one-way in the opposite direction in the afternoon.

o     After the race, vehicles can travel from Gratis 1 parking lot (which is between gates 7 and 8) via Csömör towards Budapest.

After the race, vehicles will be able to travel from Kerek tó in the direction of both the M3 motorway and in the direction of the water tower towards Szilasliget. At the water tower, those wishing to enter Mogyoród, should use the route Pince sor – Somlói út, that way motorists can approach Fóti út in Mogyoród.

It is possible to reach the racetrack by public transport using local railway line H8. Buses will transport spectators free of charge from Kerepes railway station to Gate 3 from where all spectator stands are accessible. In the afternoon the buses will transport the spectators back to Kerepes railway station.

The continuous flow of traffic will be assisted by the Pest County Police Headquarters with officers directing traffic and also with the use of direction signs.

We advise fans coming to Mogyoród to allow for delays in gaining entry when estimating travel times.

Information regarding rules of admittance and the collection of the required Covid immunity wristband is available on the webpage of Hungaroring Sport Zrt. (

We suggest that vehicles should be parked in the designated, guarded parking lots.

In order to prevent criminal offences being committed, vehicles should be left locked at all times, with no valuables, electronic devices, or documents left visible in the passenger compartment.

There will be a temporary police station near the race track between 30th of July and 1st August  the contact information of which will be published on the web site

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