Events at Mogyoród

2023. 07. 24., h - 10:01
Pest Vármegyei Rendőr-főkapitányság

Results of the police security operation.

The 38th Formula One Hungarian Grand Prix took place without any high priority or serious incidents. Similarly to previous years, almost 1200 officers took part in the security operation. All the specialist services of the police were involved, there were mounted police, K9 units, motorcycle police, also officers on foot and in cars, as well as detectives on duty until Monday morning.

In order to ensure a steady flow of traffic, we monitored the roads leading to Hungaroring and the level of available capacity in the parking lots with the help of the Police Support Unit helicopter.

Our work was assisted this year by Bács-Kiskun, Heves and Nógrád County Police, the Budapest Metropolitan Police, units from Territorial Support together with officers from the Dutch, Romanian, Croatian, Serbian, Slovakian and Austrian Police Forces.

72 persons received on-the-spot fines, two persons received administrative fines and 10 cases of misdemeanour will be reported for further action. During four-day event, officers checked the identities of 119 persons, and 15 were arrested and two persons were removed for their own safety.​


Kapcsolódó oldalak



Időben érkezett a segítség

Feltehetően hőgutát kapott az a férfi, akit a készenléti rendőrök elsősegélyben részesítettek egy budapesti pályaudvaron.


Lopott gázolajjal bizniszeltek

A rendőrök azzal gyanúsítanak két férfit, hogy üzemanyagot loptak a munkahelyükről, majd értékesítették azt egy szigetvári férfinak.


A felelőtlenség ára

Két fiatal – az egyikük életveszélyesen – megsérült abban a balesetben, melyet egy e-roller vezetője okozott.