We are here again this year

2023. 07. 20., cs - 14:00
Pest Vármegyei Rendőr-főkapitányság

Police security management of the 38th Formula 1 Hungarian Grand Prix.

The approximately 1200 police officers providing event security are being assisted by units from Territorial Support and Heves, Bács-Kiskun and Nógrád County Police, also with close cooperation from the Budapest Metropolitan Police together with Dutch, Romanian, Croatian, Serbian, Slovakian and Austrian police officers.

There will be mounted police, K9 units, motorcycle police and officers on Segways on duty at the scene. Traffic will be monitored from the air by helicopter and traffic will be directed by officers as necessary.

A temporary Police Station will be operating (where the Command Centre will be located) where there will be officers on duty 24 hours a day.

The temporary Police Station can be reached on the following telephone numbers:

+36 30 615-6313

+36 20 444-1324

The direction of traffic will be shown by road signs and by officers at the scene – these signs and hand signals by officers should be obeyed at all times, as our aim is to avoid vehicular accidents and for the flow of traffic to be continuous.

Valuables (bags, telephones etc.) should not be left visible in parked vehicles, make sure vehicles are locked and make sure that windows have not been left open. Vehicles left in places where parking is prohibited will be removed. Look after your valuables in the area of the racetrack also.

Alternative options for travel to and from the racetrack are available on the website below:





Kapcsolódó oldalak



Időben érkezett a segítség

Feltehetően hőgutát kapott az a férfi, akit a készenléti rendőrök elsősegélyben részesítettek egy budapesti pályaudvaron.


Lopott gázolajjal bizniszeltek

A rendőrök azzal gyanúsítanak két férfit, hogy üzemanyagot loptak a munkahelyükről, majd értékesítették azt egy szigetvári férfinak.


A felelőtlenség ára

Két fiatal – az egyikük életveszélyesen – megsérült abban a balesetben, melyet egy e-roller vezetője okozott.