Press release

2022. 07. 27., sze - 12:26
Pest Vármegyei Rendőr-főkapitányság

Police security management of the 2022 Formula 1 Hungarian Grand Prix

As in previous years, Pest County Police is responsible for public order at the 2022 Formula 1 Hungarian Grand Prix with approximately 1200 police officers on duty being assisted by units from Territorial Support and Heves and Nógrád County Police, also with cooperation from the Budapest Metropolitan Police. Four motorcycle police officers from the Austrian Police will be on duty. There will be mounted police, K9 units, motorcycle police and officers on Segways on duty at the scene. Traffic will be monitored from the air by helicopter and traffic will be directed by officers as necessary.

As of noon on the 28th July 2022, a temporary Police Station will be operating (where the Command Centre will be located) in the parking lot next to the race track during the weekend of the Formula 1 Hungarian Grand Prix, from where officers leading operations will be able to supervise and coordinate the officers involved in public order duties.

The Chief of Pest County Police has enacted increased police checks during the period from 12.00 pm on the 25th of July, 2022 till 8.00 am on the 1st of August 2022, which affects the geographical jurisdiction of Gödöllő Police Station, the M0 motorway in its entirety, the sections of the M2, M3, M4, M5 and M6 motorways within Pest County jurisdiction and the motorway service stations and parking places located on these routes. The introduction of these measures is necessary in the interests of traffic control, the maintenance of public order, crime prevention, stopping of crimes in progress and the apprehension of offenders.

There will be traffic restrictions in place, the details of which can be seen on the Formula 1 tab of the police website. The tab contains useful information for those intending to arrive at the racetrack by car.  The racing event begins on Thursday afternoon with the Pit Lane visit. Depending on the level of traffic, drivers should expect restrictions being put in place, if the conditions make that necessary. Roads in the immediate vicinity of Hungaroring will be made one-way in the direction of the racetrack every day as of Friday, changing to one-way in the opposite direction (away from the racetrack) after the training sessions and the race itself are over.

The direction of traffic will be shown by road signs and by officers at the scene – these signs and hand signals by officers should be obeyed at all times, as our aim is for the flow of traffic to be continuous, and for everyone to arrive at their destination in time.

Valuables should not be left visible in parked vehicles, make sure vehicles are locked and make sure that windows have not been left open. Take care of valuables in the area of the racetrack also, do not leave telephones, documents or bags unsupervised. Pay special attention when parking, as vehicles left in places where parking is prohibited will be removed. A new development as of this year is the introduction of free parking lots Gratis 2 and Gratis 3, from where several gates of the racecourse are accessible on foot within 5-10 minutes. Spectators can reach their places comfortably from there, so their use is recommended.

It is possible to reach the racetrack by public transport using local railway line H8. Buses will transport spectators free of charge from Kerepes railway station to Gate 3 of the racetrack, from where all spectator stands are accessible.

Spectators will only be admitted to the racetrack if they are in possession of a valid ticket – information regarding rules of admittance is available on the webpage of Hungaroring Sport Zrt. We advise fans arriving for the event to allow for increased entry process times when estimating travel times owing to the large numbers expected to arrive.​

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