Closure of airspace at Hungaroring

2021. 07. 29., cs - 15:06
Pest Vármegyei Rendőr-főkapitányság

The use of drones is prohibited in the area of Hungaroring and the vicinity during the 2021 Formula 1 Hungarian Grand Prix.

During the Formula 1 Hungarian Grand Prix, the use of any type of remote controlled flying device or the possession of such a device within the grounds of the Hungaroring racetrack without permission from Hungaroring Sport Zrt. is prohibited.


Disregard of this regulation will result in prosecution, and any device used in contravention of the above may be seized and permanently confiscated.


Details of the specific airspace affected by the above closure can be seen on the website


Kapcsolódó oldalak



Keressük Horváth Tibor Eriket!

A Kazincbarcikai Rendőrkapitányság a lakosság segítségét kéri egy 12 éves, miskolci gyermekotthonból eltűnt fiú ügyében.


Ne ossza meg személyes adatait idegenekkel!

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