Important advice for safe holiday

2022. 11. 28., h - 15:00
Csongrád-Csanád Vármegyei Rendőr-főkapitányság

Please take the advice of the police to have a safe winter holiday!

1. Put your valueables into the inside pocket of your coat or bag in crowded places eg. Christmas fairs, markets, malls.

2. In order to avoid to be a victim of an accidental theft, do not put your bag, coat or wallet on the desk of the shops and do not leave them in a trolley or basket during shopping.

3. Park in a well-lighted, visible, busy and protected parking lot.

4. Do not leave any valuables in the vehicle at visible places, store all items out of sight (eg.trunk).

5. Pay attention for the packages, shopping bags and coats, which are taken off and placed during waiting in a café or restaurant.

6. Do not store the PIN code of your credit or debit card near the card itself. Pay attention during cash withdrawal at an ATM, do not let others to see your code.

7.  Pay extra attention for your valuables not only while travelling on public transportation but when you get on and off these vehicles.

8. Take into consideration that the stopping distance of a vehicle is longer on a slippery road, it can be more difficult to stop in winter weather conditions, such as snow, rain or mist.

9. The accurate operation of light and signal equipment of the vehicle is vital in misty, rainy and humid weather conditions.

10. Pedestrians pay more attention for visibility at this time of the year.

The Csongrád-Csanád County Police Headquarters wishes You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Kapcsolódó oldalak




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Strandolás közben jött a hívás

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Nyúlcipőt húzott, de hiába

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Keressük Érsek Sándort

Az Ózdi Rendőrkapitányság a lakosság segítségét kéri egy 54 éves férfi eltünése ügyében.