Opening a temporary crossing point

2017. 07. 18., Tue - 01:05

A temporary border crossing point can be under Articles 10-16 of the Governmental Decree 332 of 2007 (XII. 13.) on opening and operating border crossing points and the temporary border crossing points.

The Decree (only Hungarian version) can be read on the following website:

The temporary opening of the state border requires authorization. The application to open a temporary border crossing point should contain the following:

  • name of the applicant, home address or place of residence (for legal entities: name of the entity, address or other locations);
  • place of the temporary border crossing point, period of operation, opening hours, type of border traffic;
  • estimated volume of border traffic;
  • the statement of the applicant undertaking to provide all the material, technical and financial conditions of the  opening and to cover all the costs of the opening as defined in the Annex of the Decree;
  • the reasons of the request.

A temporary border crossing point may be permitted to open for the following purposes: sport; tourism; cultural, religious, local governmental and other similar events; economical reasons or to fulfil international obligations.

Additional condition for granting authorization is the consent of the neighbouring country’s border policing authority. The consent of the border policing unit of the neighbouring country will be requested by the county police headquarters.

The application for opening a temporary border crossing point shall be refused if the purpose of the application does not meet the conditions mentioned above or if the neighbouring country refused to give its consent.

The opening of a temporary border crossing point shall be granted in a written decision that shall contain:

- the purpose of the opening,

- the place and date of the opening,

- the period of operation and opening hours,

- the type of border traffic.

The temporary border crossing point may be opened at the place and time appearing in the official decision, for a period being in accordance with the purpose of opening the temporary border crossing point, if all conditions for carrying out authority measures relating to border clearance are ensured. The temporary border crossing point shall be opened by starting the border checks.

Border information

Ártánd - Borş

Ásotthalom - Backi Vinogradi

Csanádpalota Autópálya Határátkelő - Nădlac II

Csengersima - Petea

Lónya - Dzvinkove

Nagykereki - Bors II

Nagylak - Nădlac

Röszke - Horgoš autópálya

Röszke - Horgoš közút